Thursday, November 20, 2008


This week I decided to switch it up a little and blog about a rapidly growing Middleware software named Linxter. If you don't know what Middleware is, it's software that consists of numerous enabling services that allow applications and software components to be connected. It works as a middle-man, working between the operating system and applications.

Linxter is a new solution to many developers. Once launched it will allow programs to send messages across no matter where, or what platform it is on. Linxter's focus in addition to being reliable and secure is ease of use. According to their website "Linxter has been designed so that developers with only one to two years of experience can master the technology in less than a day."

Linxter will help companies of all sizes. Seperate from saving precious man-hours that could go into other activites, the cost of implementing Linxter is minor when compared to creating and maintaining their own basic infrastructure. Linxter is the future of data distribution, anything connected to the internet will be able to connect to any other device running linxter.


Dan said...

It is amazing how applications like these are being created to link programs with other users without compromising others' internal processes. This would broaden the range of expansion of all devices in connectivity as they would have the capability of connecting with any type of devices out there.

Dr. Fox-Billig said...

This is a terrific way to level the operating system playing field.

The maker of Linxter, Useful Technologies, is also working with Linden Labs, the creators of Second Life. They have a place for educators to hold classes and collaborate. They are also implementing tools this month to allow Second Life users to communicate with each other while not logged in using Linxter technology.