Friday, April 1, 2011

Apple's new link controls the way you hear your music

Apple's newest patent will alter the users music based on their environment. For example, your activities, pictures, and use of the accelerometer will tell the iPhone how to produce variations of the music in your library. In an excerpt from the patent, Apple states that mood and behavior strongly relates to the tempo of the music you listen to. One way for the phone to determine your mood is based on the pace that you walk or if you are exercising/running. The excerpt states, "In fact, some studies have shown that sedative music (low tempo) is great for stretching but bad for strength training, and that stimulating music (high tempo) is good for strength training but bad for stretching."For something that seems like it would be so far in the future to become a reality, Apple has a very well developed idea and the future of this technology is not very far away.;content

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